Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Second Resolution in 2013

            Hay guys, nah this article will talk about my next resolution. The continuance of my article before, “My First Resolution in 2013”. Have you read it? So if you already read my article before, you know if in that article the resolution is about spiritual resolution, right? So for now I want to tell you my physical resolution.

            Can you guess what my the resolution is? Here the clues. As a normal teen, this resolution is needed for me. Why? Hmm, because it was become a must for a teen to having this physical character, mostly for girls. If somebody haven’t this physical character, sometime they will mocked by their friend. 

            I am sure now you could guess what I want in my second resolution (yes, because I already put a picture bellow). Yeah, it is “diet” for losing my weight. You know guys, I am a beat over weight so that’s why I really want to loose my weight by exercising, use a balance diet, and avoid snacking in the night. I start to do this resolution since a week ago.

            Has a little big body was so bad for me and make me feel uncomfortable. I never could wear cute dresses or clothes because something cute usually just for a normal size body and everything putted on my body will look so worst. Huh how a pity I am. One more, this thick body gives me a new nickname, “ndut” oh I swear I hate this nickname moreover for a teen.

           By exercising, using a balance diet, and avoid snacking in the night since a week ago, now I loose my 1 kg. I am so happy when I check it in clinic and it makes me more spirit to continue the “diet” program. Don’t worry guys, you have to know that my diet program is health because my parents keep their eyes on me. 

            I wish I could wear cute dresses or clothes and make everyone not gives me that bad nickname in the end of this year. So for you who has read this article, I put a big hope on you to give me some suggestions by leaving your comment. Thank you for reading my blog and thanks a bunch for leaving your comment. See you..

Saturday, January 26, 2013

My First Resolution in 2013

Welcome 2013.. nice to see you again guys. This January I will talk about my two resolutions for this year and one of them will be told by this article. The most incredible and hardest resolution (but I wish I can) is completing my obligation as a better  Moslem. You know what? Just see the picture bellow…
Nah, this is my resolution.

Become a “Hijaber” is such a must for every Moslem especially a woman Moslems. In the beginning of this year, I intend to wear veil in my daily. I swear I never think about this resolution before, it just suddenly descend upon my heart. I know using veil is not about close my “aurat”, but I’ve to keep my mouth and behavior well and those are hard enough to do. Now I’m start trying to change my behave, my way to speak, and step by step covering my “aurat” by using veil in school. 

Yes, I’m not directly total in using veil because I don’t wanna playing with that. The thing that I’ve to do now is gather to a head to become a “Hijaber”. So I will never regretting for every thing that I choose.
 Oh I have some  little bad stories. In the first week I wearing veil in school, yeah just in school and it is so hard. Especially when I see my friends with their hair, I really  wanna take my veil off. I really miss my hair and short uniform for going school. Although it is just for school.

The other story is when some one talkin’ about me behind. They said that I’m not consistent to wearing veil, I’m just playing, and so on. Moreover, they discussing me in social network. But  I don’t care, because I’m not as they mean. I’m wearing veil just for school and step by step are to train me and convincing my self so I will not take my veil off in the middle of my way and not regret with my choice =)

Okay that’s all guys, and I please you to pray for me in this resolution. Thank you, and see you in the next resolution. Bye… oh and don’t forget to leave your comment friends, I really need inspiration and opinion from you.

Source :  

Catholic schools and Islamic lesson in Blitar

The articles :
·         Diocese nixes Islamic teaching in Catholic schools

·         Religious affairs office tells schools to close

·         Catholic schools in Blitar agree to provide Islamic lessons


Those three articles are discussing about controvertion Catholic schools and local office of the Religious Affairs Ministry in Blitar. They ask Catholic schools to provide Islamic lesson for Moslem students based on Government Regulation No. 55/2007 on religious teachings, which is in turn based on Law No. 20/2003. If the Catholic school doesn’t allowing the rule then the local office of the Religious Affairs Ministry will close the school.

But, Yohanes Gabriel Foundation as the one of the owners of Catholic schools in Blitar disagree with the rule to provide Islamic lesson in their school because they say that the students and also parents was agreed with the educational system of Catholic schools before and it’s also According to the vicar-general, Article 55 (1) of Law No. 20/2003 on the national education system said that Catholic schools were entitled to implement a curriculum following their own religious, social and cultural norms.

Talking about this problem, I disagree with the local office of the Religious Affairs Ministry that force the Catholic schools to provide Islamic lesson to make the Muslim students to be able to read and write Al-Qur’an verses. Because it should be the responsible of each parent to choose the school that appropriate with the background of their child. So if  they agree to entering the schools with different background for their child, they should take the risk if their children doesn’t get the religion lesson based on their own religion.

It will be make the local office of the Religious Affairs Ministry in Blitar looks discriminate the other religion. Beside that, the people who don’t like with Islam will use this situation to make the pride of Islam or Moslem down in the other religion. Because as we have known, Islam is dominate Indonesian so if the government make a distance for each religion, they will make the other religion discriminated.

That’s all my opinion for the problem in my own city, Blitar. The conclusion is I disagree with the rule that look forcing and blaming the Catholic schools because it should be the responsible of each parents to guide and choose the best schools for their children. Thank you =)

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