Monday, April 20, 2015

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan

Hi buddies,
Jadi kemaren gue baru aja dapet kesempatan jalan-jalan keren ala mahasiswa STAN. Kemana? Ya karena gue mahasiswa yang bernaung di bawah Kemenkeu jadi mainnya ya ke Kemenkeu dong. Lebih tepatnya sih ke Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan yang ada di komplek Kemenkeu juga. Nih gue kasih lihat gedungnya, gilak keren banget.. Siapa coba yang ga pengen kerja disini.. 

Gedung Inspektoran Jenderal Kemenkeu
Sekarang gue mau sharing info yang gue dapet mengenai seluk beluk Itjen. Udah pada tau belom tugas pokoknya Itjen Kemenkeu? Yap, tugasnya adalah melakukan pengawasan terhadap unit-unit Eselon I di Kementerian Keuangan, yaitu:
  • Sekjen
  • DJA
  • DJP
  • DJB
  • DJPB
  • DJKN
  • DJPK
  • BKV
  • BPPK
Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Inspektorat jenderal memiliki unsur-unsur yang menjadi dasar dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya. Apa ajasih?
  1. Independen : artinya harus menjadi badan yang mandiri. Termasuk anti suap ya !!
  2. Objektif : NO conflict of interest pas kerja. Ga peduli yang diawasi sodara atau siapapun itu
  3. Assurance : meyakinkan pemimpin tertinggi organisasi dalam hal kepatuhan dan keefektifan
  4. Consulting : memberikan nasihat atau bimbingan atau conseling
  5. Add Value : memberikan nilai tambah terhadap organisasi.
Nah, peran pegawai Itjen kan berarti sebagai auditor tuh, Auditor sendiri punya kode etik loh alam menjalankan tugasnya. Iyalah, secara tanggung jawabnya besar guys, godaan juga nggak nanggung-nanggung. Jadi kode etik auditor itu adalah Integritas, Kompeten, Independen, dan Objektif.

Nah sekarang saatnya gue kasih tau iming-iming yang bikin lo semua tertarik masuk Itjen. Pertama, kalo lo kerja di Itjen, ga perlu tuh yang namanya mutasi ke pelosok-pelosok. Bisa menetap di Jakarta Pusat which is so strategic. Kedua, lo bisa jalan-jalan ke seluruh daerah di Indonesia guys, gratis lagi haha. Eits tapi tetep harus innget sama tugas dan tanggung jawab :D Selain itu, di Itjen BANYAK BEASISWA bertebaran buat para pegawai-pegawai berprestasi. Kalian bisa go overseas juga loh. Kuliah di Ausi, Japan, India, USA, etc. Gilak gue jadi tambah ngiler pengen masuk Itjen LOL.

Terus kalo buat mahasiswa STAN, kesempatannya gimana? dari info yang gue dapet kemaren. Rata-rata pertahunnya itu sekitar 70 alumni STAN Spes D3 Akuntansi yang lolos dan diterima di Itjen. Subhanallah, persaingannya ketat banget. So, kalo lo pengen masuk Itjen, yuk rajin-rajin belajar biar hasil TPA nya sampe tembus langit hahaha.. Aamiin deh..
Udah dulu ya guys sharingnya.. feel free to ask.. Bubhay :D

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Second Tuesday in March

Congratulation for those who celebrate Nyepi :) 
Happy holiday
While everyone has their parent visit today,
So I have my room vacation :) J O G G I N G

Before I start a walk (Taken by Angel)
Panda wanna be? (Taken by Kak Ilun)
On a Monument Brimob (Taken by Vivy)

I am not alone, of course.
Kak Lailun Erliana,
Kak Luluk RJ,
Della Wacdatul (Angel), and
Vivy Astridtasari are with me.

Angel-Vivy-Me-Kak Ilun (Taken by Kak Luluk)
Vivy-Angel-Kak Ilun-Kak Lulu (Taken by me)
We finally found a place with the catchy scenery
on a bridge, huh.. quietly tiring us 

Tired faces (Taken by Kak Ilun)
Here we have some snacks
We surprised with elementary schools' snack, Miko
Guess the price....
Only Rp 200,- and nothing has changed
The taste, the shape, and the packaging :D

Holding "Miko" (Taken by Angel)

This is it, The Old Miko Snack (Taken by Angel)
We spent about 30 minutes here
Do not forget to take a picture! :)
The narcissistic...
Dazzled (Taken by Vivy)
Blue Sky (Taken by Vivy)
T O U C H ! (Taken by Vivy)
Then we go dorm..
Dear Kak Rita Reswati and Deni Putri K,
My two roommate who can not be with us, I am so sorry I do not put any picture of you.
Yeah, because you are not here. Hehehe..
But we will have later on. Thank you.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Music Covered by GAC on Youtube


  • Hungover
  • Turn It Off
  • Telephone
  • Break Your Heart mash-up Maniac
  • In My Head, Tanah Airku
  • A Whole New World
  • Broken Strings
  • Poker Face

  • Freeze
  • Lucky
  • Just Dance
  • Indonesia Pusaka
  • Rocketeer
  • Rapuh
  • Mad
  • O Holy Night
  • Payphone

I Was Hooked

I love him.. so so so so MUCH
But I'm not a troops, I just love him :)

Gamaliel Tapiheru
I have been enchanted by him !
I trapped in his SMILE
Gamaliel Tapiheru
I fell in his video, "SKYSCRAPER"
Huuuuu, I love the hair
I love thick eyebrows on his visage 
I love G A M A L I E L - T A P I H E R U !!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Prezi of "TED" Video

This is my mid term assigment. This prezi is about the TED video that I like the most. So just click the link bellow. Thank you =)


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prezi "FEVER" - Final

It was my final result of my first Prezi. Every one allowed to check this out. Please click this link :
Don't forget to leave your suggestion, okay? Thank you.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prezi "FEVER"

Hello.. I almost getting nut because of "prezi". It was hard to do this task using my old laptop. I spent my day just for prezi.  hmm, I know this presentation is not too good. But try to leave your suggestion to make it better Guys.. Nah here is my link of my first prezi : Thank you. :)

Still in proccess ...